- Compound RNN to predict
MICs using K-Mer Fingerprints and Antibiotic SMILES, Cory Kromer-Edwards and
Suely Oliveira, to appear in ACM-BCB 2023, the 14th ACM
Conference n Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health
Informatics, 2023
- 3D Supervised
Contrastive-Learning Network for Classification of Ovarian Neoplasms,
Tarun Roy, Jesus Gonzalez Bosquet, Suely Oliveira, Xiandong Wu, to appear
in Medical Imaging with Deep Learning Conference Proceedings, 2023
- Finding, and Countering,
Future Resistance Using Bacterial Antibiotic Adversarial Genetic Algorithm
(BAAGA), Cory
Kromer-Edwards and Suely Oliveira, to appear in International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2023 proceedings, Gold Coast,
- Using Feature Selection from
XGBoost to Predict MIC Values with Neural Networks, Cory Kromer-Edwards and
Suely Oliveira, to appear in International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2023 proceedings, Gold Coast, Australia.
- K-Mer Fingerprinting with RNN to predict MIC’s for K.
Cory Kromer-Edwards, Mariana Castanheira, and Suely Oliveira,
2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
(BIBM), Los Angeles, CA.
- Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Predictions For
Four B-lactam Agents For Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae From A
Large Surveillance Program Using Genomic Data And A Machine Learning Model, Cory Kromer-Edwards,
Mariana Castanheira and Suely Oliveira, abstract presented at ASM Microbe,
2022 Washington, DC.
- Cancer
Cells are Highly Susceptible
to Accumulation of Templete Insertions linked to MMBIR
Beth Osia,
Thamer Alsulaiman, Tyler Jackson, Juraj Kramara, Suely Oliveira, and Anna
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, gkab685.
- Estimation of Multidimensional Item Response
Theory Models with Correlated Latent Variables using variational
Geoffrey Converse, Mariana Curi, Suely Oliveira, Jonathan Templin,
Machine Learning 110, 1463–1480 (2021).
- Distributed
Evolution of Deep Autoencoders
Hajewski J., Oliveira S., Xing X . In: Arai K. (eds) Intelligent
Computing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 283. Springer, ChamComputing
Conference, London, UK, July 2021
See also
- Incorporating
item response theory into knowledge tracing.
Geoffrey Converse, Suely Oliveira, and Shi Pu
In Ido Roll, Danielle McNamara, Sergey Sosnovsky, Rose Luckin, and Vania
Dimitrova, editors, Artificial Intelligence in Education, pages 114–118.
Springer International Publishing, 2021.
- Exploring
Trade-offs in Parallel Beam-ACO,
Jeff Hajewski, Suely Oliveira, David Stewart and Laura Weiler,
11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference, IEEE CCWC
2021 - Virtual, USA, January 2021, pp. 1525-1534.
- Efficient
Evolution of Variational Autoenconders,
Jeff Hajewski and Suely Oliveira,
11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference, IEEE CCWC
2021 - Virtual, USA, January 2021, pp. 1541-1550.
- Year,
Location and Species Information In Predicting MIC Values with
Beta-Lacatamase Genes,
Kramer-Edwards, Mariana Castanheira, Suely Oliveira,
Data mining from genomic variants and its application to genome-wide
IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)
workshop, Dec. 2020, pp. 1383-1390.
- gBeam-ACO:
a greedy and faster variant of Beam-ACO,
Jeff Hajewski, Suely Oliveira, David Stewart and Laura Weiler,
SWINGA workshop at GECCO (Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation), pages 1434–1440, July 2020.
- Evolving Deep
Jeff Hajewski, Suely Oliveira, X. Xing
GECCO'20 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation) Proceedings, pages
123-124, July 2020
- An Evolutionary Approach to Variational Autoencoders
Jeff Hajewski and Suely Oliveira,
10th Annual
Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference,
IEEE CCWC 2020 - Las Vegas, USA, January 2020
- Identifying
Beta-Lactamase Resistance with Neural Network,
Cory Kromer-Edwards, Jace Neubaum,
Suely Oliveira, Caitlin Smith, Evan Walser-Kuntz, and Andrew West,
IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
Proceedings 2019, San Diego, USA. (published in February 2020)
- Variational
Autoenconders for Baseball Player Evaluation,
Geoffrey Converse, Brooke Arnold, Mariana Curi, and Suely Oliveira,
5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining, FSDM 2019,
Kitakyushu, Japan
- Two
Simple Tricks for Fast Cache-Aware Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization,
Jeff Hajewski and Suely Oliveira,
CEC 2019, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2019, Wellington, New
- Autoencoders
for Educational Assessment,
Geoffrey Converse, Mariana Curi, and Suely Oliveira,
AIED 2019 Proceedings-- The 20th International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education 2019, Chicago, USA.
- Parallelizing Basis
Pursuit Denoising,
Cory Kromer-Edwards, Suely Oliveira and David
IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2019,
Budapest, Hungary.
- Interpretable
Variational Autoenconders for Cognitive Models,
Mariana Curi, Geoffrey Converse, Jeff Hajewski and Suely Oliveira,
IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2019, Budapest,
- Distributed
SmSVM Ensemble Learning,
Jeff Hajewski and Suely Oliveira,
INNS International Neural Network Society, Big Data and Deep
Springer-Verlag Proceedings, 2019, Sest Levanti, Italy.
- Efficient
Basis Pursuit DeNoising via Active Sets and Homotopy,
Suely P. Oliveira and David E. Stewart,
4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining, FSDM 2018,
Bangkok, Thailand.
- Smoothed
Hinge loss L1 Support Vector Machines,
Jeff Hajewski, Suely Oliveira, and David
Optimization Based Techniques for emerging Data Mining Problems Workshop Proceedings,
IEEE Computer Society Press, ICDM 2018.
- A
Comparison of Canny Edge Detection Implementations with Hadoop,
Josiah Smalley, and Suely
Oliveira, Future of Information and Communications
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series, Springer, 2018.
- Community
Detection Algorithm for Big Social Networks using Hybrid Architecture,
Rahil Sharma and Suely Oliveira,
Big Data Research, vol 10, pp. 44-52, 2017. (pdf)
- Concurrent
Thamer Alsulaiman, Beth Osia, Anna Malkova and Suely Oliveira,
IEEE 7th Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences
(ICCABS), 2017. (pdf)
- High
Quality Multi-core Multi-level Algorithm for Community Detection,
S. Oliveira and Rahil Sharma,
Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering. Vol. 15 No. 3-4,
pp 311-321, 2017 (pdf)
- Parallel Landscape Driven
Data Reduction Technique and Spatial Interpolation for Massive LiDAR Data
Rahil Sharma, Zewei Xu, Ramanathan Sugumaran and Suely
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 5,
No. 6, pp. 97, 2016 (pdf)
and Prediction of Functional Protein Modules using Community Detection
S. Oliveira and Rahil Sharma,
International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications,
Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 129 - 148, 2016, (pdf)
- Network
Algorithms for Protein Interactions,
S. Oliveira,
Algorithmic and AI Methods for Protein Bioinformatics,
ed. Yio Pan, Jianxin Wang and Min Li,
Wiley, book chapter pp. 357-376 ISBN: 978-1-118-34578-8, 2013.
- Improving
the Stability of Algorithms for Path Planning Based on Boundary Value
Marcelo O. Silva, Roseli A. F. Romero, Suely P. Oliveira and David E.
Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 69, No. 2 pp.
111-123, 2012.
- Physically
accurate gramular flow simulation,
Suely Oliveira and David E. Stewart.
International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2012,
Procedia Computer Science, 2012 Vol 9 pp. 286-291 (pdf)
- Clustering
for Bioinformatics via Matrix Optimization,
S. Oliveira and D. E. Stewart,
2nd ACM-BCB'11 Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and
Chicago, IL, USA, 2011, pp. 559-563.
- GAmization:
An improved anonymization technique using Genetic algorithm,
Murshed Manzoor and Suely Oliveira,
Annual International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications,
38. Analysis
of nonlinear dynamics of vocal folds using high-speed video
observation and biomechanical modeling,
Alan P. Pinheiro, David E. Stewart, Carlos D. Maciel, Jose C. Pereira and Suely
Digital Signal Processing, , Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 304-313, 2011.
39. Natural
Clustering with Python,
D. Espanhol, C. D. Maciel, S. P. Oliveira, J.C. Pereira,
9th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology,
Brasilia, Distrito Federal, August 1-6 2009.
40. Problems with
Nonparametric Entropy Estimation of Voice Signals,
P. Scalassara, C. D. Maciel, J. C.
Pereira, S. P. Oliveira, D. E. Stewart,
International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, COBEM,
Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul, Nov. 15-10, 2009. (COB09-1677)
41. A
Product Arnoldi Algorithm for Long Product of Matrices,
S. Oliveira and D Stewart,
8th Brazilian conference on dynamics, control and applications, DINCON'09,
Bauru, Sao Paulo, May 18--22, 2009.
- A
Spectral Clustering Algorithm for Manufacturing Cell Formation,
S. Oliveira, J. F. F. Ribeiro and S. C. Seok,
Computer and Industrial Engineering, 2009, Vol. 57, pp. 1008-1014.
- A Mathematical
Model for Load Balancing,
S. Oliveira and T. Soma,
Proceedings of The Sixth (6th) International Conference of Numerical
Analysis and Applied Mathematics,
Kos, Greece, September 2008.
- A
Comparative Study of Similarity Measures forManufacturing Cell Formation,
S. Oliveira, J. F. F. Ribeiro and S. C. Seok,
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2008, Vol. 27, pp. 19–25.
- H-matrices
preconditioners for symmetric saddle-point systems from meshfree
S. Le Borne, S. Oliveira, and F. Yang,
Numerical Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2008, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp.
- A Matrix-based
Multilevel Approach to Identify Functional Protein Modules,
S. Oliveira and S.C. Seok,
Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 2008, Vol. 4, No. 1,
pp.11–27. (pdf)
- Joint
Domain-Decomposition H-LU preconditioners for saddle-point Problems ,
S. Le Borne and S. Oliveira,
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 2007, Vol. 26, pp.
285-298. (pdf)
- Multilevel
approaches for large scale proteomic networks,
S. Oliveira and S.C. Seok,
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 84(5) (2007), pp. 683-695. (pdf)
- H-matrix preconditioners for Invariant
Probability Distribution in Dynamical Systems,
S. Oliveira and F. Yang,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational and
Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering,
CMMSE 2007, Chicago 20-23, June 2007, pp. 333-340.
- An
Algebraic Approach for H-Matrices Preconditioners,
S. Oliveira and F. Yang,
Computing, 2007, Vol. 80, pp. 169-188. (pdf)
- Hierarchical
Preconditioners for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems,
S. Oliveira and F.Yang,
ICCS Proceedings, Lectures Notes in Computer Science 4487, Springer 2007,
pp. 221-228. (pdf)
- H-matrix
preconditioners for saddle-point systems from meshfree discretization,
S. Oliveira and F. Yang,
14th International Conference on Computational & Experimental
Engineering and Sciences - ICCES07,
Minisymposium on Meshfree Methods and Applications Proceedings.
- Triangular
clique based multilevel approaches to identify protein functional modules,
S. Oliveira and S.C. Seok,
7th International Conference High Performance Computing for Computational
Science -
VECPAR 2006, Selected Papers and Invited Talks,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4395, Springer 2006, pp. 556-565. (pdf)
- A
multilevel approach to identify functional modules in a Yeast
Protein-Protein interaction network,
S. Oliveira and S.C. Seok,
2nd International Workshop on Bioinformatics Research and Applications -
6th International Conference Computational Science - ICCS 2006,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3992, Springer 2006,
pp. 726--733. (pdf)
- Parallel
support set searches for meshfree methods ,
C. Cartwright, S. Oliveira and D. Stewart,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 28(4) (2006), pp.
1318-1334. (pdf)
- Spectral
document clustering algorithms with different data structures,
S. Oliveira, and S.C. Seok,
Proceedings of The 2005 International Conference on Scientific
Computing - CSC'05, pp. 223-229.
- A
multilevel approach for document clustering,
Oliveira and S.C. Seok,
5th International Conference on Computational Science - ICCS 2005,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3514, Springer 2005, pp. 204-211.
- Algebraic
multigrid (AMG) for saddle point systems from meshfree discretizations,
K. H. Leem, S. Oliveira and D. Stewart,
Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications, 11(3) (2004), pp.
293-308. (pdf)
- Semidefinite
programming for graph partitioning with preference in data distribution,
S. Oliveira, T. Soma and D. Stewart,
5th International Conference High Performance Computing for Computational
Science -
VECPAR 2002, Selected Papers and Invited Talks.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2565, Springer-Verlag
Heidelberg, 2003 , pp.307-321. (pdf)
- A
subspace semidefinite programming for spectral graph partitioning,
S. Oliveira, T. Soma and D. Stewart,
International Conference on Computational Science - ICCS 2002 Part
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2329, Springer, pp.
1058--1067. (pdf)
- Exact
prediction of QR fill-in by row-merge trees,
S. Oliveira,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2001, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp.
1962-1973 (pdf)
- A New efficient parallel algorithm for
computing eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrices,
D.K. Friesen, S. Oliveira and J. Zhang
Proceedings of the Tenth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing,
Portsmouth, Virginia, March 2001.
- A parallel quadtree algorithm
for efficient assembly of stifness matrices in meshfree Galerkin methods,
C. Cartwright, S. Oliveira and D.Stewart,
of Irregular 2001, International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium, April 2001.
Published by IEEE Computer Society.
- Finding sets covering
a point with applications to meshfree Galerkin methods,
X. Han, S.
Oliveira and D. Stewart,
SIAM Journal on Computing, 30(4) (2000), pp. 1368-1383 (pdf)
- Exponential
splittings of products of matrices and accurately computing singular
values of long products,
S. Oliveira
and D. Stewart,
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 310 (2000), pp. 175-190. (pdf)
- A
multilevel algorithm for spectral partitioning with extended eigen-models,
S. Oliveira
and T. Soma
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1800, Springer, May 2000,
pp. 477--484.
- Analysis
of different partitioning schemes for parallel Gram-Schmidt algorithms,
Oliveira, L. Borges, M. Holzrichter, and T. Soma,
Parallel Algorithms and Applications. 14(4) (2000), pp. 293-320. (pdf)
- On the
convergence rate of a preconditioned subspace eigensolver,
S. Oliveira,
Computing, 63 (1999), pp. 219-231. (pdf)
- A
graph based Davidson algorithm for the graph partitioning problem,
M. Holzrichter and S. Oliveira,
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 10 (1999), pp.
225-246. (pdf)
- A graph
based method for generating the Fiedler vector of irregular problems,
M. Holzrichter and S. Oliveira,
Parallel and Distributed Processing,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1586, Springer, April 1999, pp.
- A parallel
solver for extreme eigenvalues,
L. Borges and S. Oliveira,
Proceedings of Europar 98,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1470, Springer, September 1998, pp.
- A
parallel Davidson-type algorithm for several eigenvalues,
L. Borges and S. Oliveira,
Journal of Computational Physics, 144 (1998), pp. 727-748. (pdf)
- Analysis
of a multigrid method for a transport equation by numerical fourier
S. Oliveira,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 35 (1998), pp. 7-12. (pdf)
- A
new parallel chasing algorithm for transforming arrowhead matrices to
tridiagonal form,
S. Oliveira,
Mathematics of Computation, 67 (1998), pp. 221-235. (pdf)
- Preconditioned
Krylov subspace for transport equations,
S. Oliveira and Y. Deng,
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 33 (1998), pp. 155-174. (pdf)
- New partitioning
schemes for parallel modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization,
Oliveira and T. Soma
Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures,
Algorithms and Networks
ISPAN97, F. Lai, B. Maggs, and F. Hsu, eds., IEEE Computer Society,
December 1997, pp. 233-239.
- An efficient parallel chasing
Z. Chen, Y. Deng and S. Oliveira,
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
Proceedings, March 1997.
CD-ROM publication (6 pages).
- A
convergence proof of an iterative subspace method for eigenvalues problem,
S. Oliveira,
Foundations of Computational Mathematics Selected Papers, F. Cucker and M.
Shub, eds.,
Springer, January 1997, pp. 316-325.
- Parallel
multigrid methods for transport equations: The anisotropic case,
S. Oliveira,
Parallel Computing, 22 (1996), pp. 513-537. (pdf)
- A preconditioned multigrid subspace
algorithms for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
S. Oliveira,
Proceedings of Algebraic Multilevel Iterative Methods with Applications,
Nijmegen, June 1996, pp. 229-232.
- Multigrid and Krylov subspace methods
for transport equations: Absorption case,
S. Oliveira,
in Proceedings of the 7th Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods,
NASA Conference Publications, September 1996, pp. 637-648.
- Fast multigrid solver
for transport problems I: Pure scattering,
T. Manteuffel, S. McCormick, J. Morel, S. Oliveira, and G. Yang,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 16 (1995), pp. 601-635. (pdf)
- Krylov subspace methods for
transport equations,
S. Oliveira,
10th ENFIR Meeting on Reactor Physics, August 1995, pp.
- A parallel multilevel algorithm for
anisotropic transport equations,
S. Oliveira,
Computational Techniques and Applications Conference
Canberra, Australia (CTAC93), July 1994, pp. 388-396.
- A parallel version of
a multigrid algorithm for isotropic transport equations,
T. Manteuffel, S. McCormick, J. Morel, S. Oliveira, and G. Yang,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 15 (1994), pp. 474-493. (pdf)
- FFTs
and three-dimensional Poisson solvers for hypercubes,
R. A. Sweet, W. L. Briggs, S. Oliveira, J. L. Porsche and T. Turnbull,
Parallel Computing, 17 (1991), pp. 121-131.
- Osia, Beth and Alsulaiman, Thamer and Jackson, Tyler
and Kramara, Juraj and Oliveira, Suely and Malkova, Anna, Cancer cells
are uniquely susceptible to accumulation of MMBIR mutations, bioRxiv,
Semidefinite programming for graph partitioning with Preferences, in
Proceedings 5th International Meeting on High Performance Computing
for Computational Science - VECPAR 2002, Part III, 2002, pp.
- S. OLIVEIRA, Using graph theory to improve some algorithms in
scientific computing, in NEMACOM: New Methods in Applied and
Computational Mathematics, R.V.N. Melnik, S.Oliveira, and D.E. Stewart,
eds., Canberra, 2000, Centre for Mathematics and its Applications,
Australian National University, pp. 33--42.
S. OLIVEIRA, Adapting Davidson
algorithms for graph partitioning, Iterative Methods in Scientific
Computation IV, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics vol.
5, October 1999, pp. 391-398.
AND W. WU, Multigrid methods
for solving variational inequalities by a penalty method, Copper
Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods Proceedings, April 1996. (7
AND S. OLIVEIRA, Highly indefinite
multigrid for eigenvalue problems, Copper Mountain Conference on
Iterative Methods Proceedings, April 1996. (7 pages)
Extended Abstracts
Matrix-based algorithms for document clustering, Second
International Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC05), June
21-23, 2005 at CERFACS, Toulouse, France.
S.C. SEOK, A Fast and accurate
multilevel approach for document clustering, 2005 SIAM Annual Meeting,
July 11-15, 2005 New Orleans.
performance computing with hierarchical or H-matrices. Midwest Numerical
Analysis Conference, p. 42, Ed. W. Han, May 2005.
S.C. SEOK, A fast and accurate
multi-level approach for document clustering, Midwest Numerical
Analysis Conference, p. 42, Ed. W. Han, May 2005.
parallel quadtree algorithms for efficient assembly of stiffness matrices
in meshfree Galerkin methods, Proceedings of the Tenth SIAM Conference
on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (CD-ROM), Juan Meza
and Chuck Koelbel, editors, SIAM Publ, March 2001.
- S. OLIVEIRA, New convergence results for a subspace
preconditioning algorithm and its applications to the the graph
partitioning problem, Foundations of Computational Mathematics book of
Abstracts, University of Oxford, UK, pp. 164-165, July 1999.
- S. OLIVEIRA, The Davidson algorithm, convergence theory, graph
partitioning. Enumath99 Book of Abstracts, University of Jyvaskyla,
Finland, pp. 121-123, July 1999.
- S. OLIVEIRA, Graphical approach to design a parallel matrix
transformation algorithm, Abstract Book of International Workshop on
Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems, July 1998.
M. HOLZRICHTER, New spectral graph
partitioning algorithms, Proceedings of Fourth IMACS International
Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computation, October 1998.
- S. OLIVEIRA AND M. HOLZRICHTER, Multilevel graph
partitioning algorithms, Proceedings of SIAM Annual Meeting, July
- S. OLIVEIRA, Convergence and parallelization of a
preconditioned algorithm for eigenvalues, Proceedings of the Copper
Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, April 1998.
L. BORGES, A parallel
algorithm for a multiple eigenvalue iterative method, Proceedings of
Third IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific
Computation, July 1997.
- S. OLIVEIRA, Convergence and parallelization of a
preconditioned preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for transport
equation, Third Mexico-United States Workshop on Numerical Particle
Transport Proceedings, May 1995.
AND S. OLIVEIRA, Krylov subspace
methods for transport equations, Annual SIAM Conference Proceedings,
July 1996.
algorithms for transport equations on the connection machine, Copper Mountain
Conference on Iterative Methods, April 1992.
Technical Reports
F. YANG, An algebraic
approach for H-matrix preconditioners, University of Iowa, Reports on
Computational Mathematics, TR-168, September 2006.
F. YANG, H-Matrix
preconditioners for saddle point systems from meshfree
discretizations, University of Iowa, Reports on Computational
Mathematics, TR-169, September 2006.
- K. H. LEEM,
S. OLIVEIRA AND D. STEWART, Some numerical
results from meshless linear systems, University of Iowa,
Reports on Computational Mathematics, TR-140, September 2001.
modified splitting strategy for the parallel multisection algorithm, The University of
Iowa, Reports on Computational Mathematics, TR-139, July 2001.
K. H. LEEM AND S. OLIVEIRA, A fast parallel
Krylov subspace method for the radiosity equation. The University of
Iowa, Reports on Computational Mathematics, TR-128, January 2000.
- X. HAN,
S. OLIVEIRA AND D. STEWART, New matrix assembly
techniques for meshless methods. The University of Iowa, Reports on
Computational Mathematics, TR-128, October 1999.
- S. OLIVEIRA, Reprocessing a postprocessed elimination tree to obtain
exact sparsity prediction in QR factorization, The Univesity of Iowa,
Reports on Compuational Mathematics , TR-127, October1999.
architecture independent parallel Gram-Schmidt algorithms, The
University of Iowa Reports on Computational Mathematics, TR-121, December
- M. HOLZRICHTER AND S. OLIVEIRA, New graph partitioning algorithms, The University of
Iowa, Reports on Computational Mathematics, TR-120,
December 1998
- S. OLIVEIRA, New convergence results for Davidson-type
algorithms, The University of Iowa, Reoports on Computational
Mathematics, TR-119, December 1998.
AND S. OLIVEIRA, Preconditioned
Krylov subspace methods for transport equations, Texas A&M
University, Computer Science Department TR-95-051.