Friday, June 19, 2015

UI researchers hope their study will influence interactive education apps

"A team of University of Iowa researchers* set out to study more than 200 YouTube videos. Their paper is published in the proceedings of the CHI 2015 conference, the most prestigious in the field of human-computer interaction."

"[Hourcade] says he hopes that the study and others that follow will influence the development of apps that encourage interactive education for infants and toddlers. The apps he envisions might be similar to the social and interactive-like children’s programs currently found on public television."

See the IowaNow article here.


* CS Associate Professor Juan Pablo Hourcade; Sarah L. Mascher, UI Informatics undergraduate; David Wu, Belin-Blank Center Secondary Student Training Program student; and Luiza Pantoja, Informatics doctoral student.


Photo illustration by Tim Schoon.