Thursday, September 14, 2023
Ballard Fellowship recipient Hankyu Jang

PhD candidate Hankyu Jang (6th year) was awarded a Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship; prior, he had received a Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship for Spring 2022.

"The post-comp fellowship will allow me to continue to focus on my research on computational modeling and inference problems on healthcare-associated infections."

Hankyu Jang
Sriram Pemmaraju, Alberto Segre


"In his research, Hankyu uses computational methods (algorithms, data mining, machine learning) to model, make inferences about, and predict various aspects of healthcare-associated infections. He has an outstanding publication record and his  interdisciplinary work has appeared in a diversity of venues. He is also a recipient of the Graduate College’s Post-Comp Fellowship."

- Prof. Kasturi Varadarajan
Past Director of Graduate Studies — CS

About the Fellowship

Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship
This fellowship program provides an opportunity for Ph.D. students to benefit from a final semester of protected and supported time to focus on completing their scholarly research activities and the writing of their dissertations.