The University of Iowa’s Spring Engineering Career Fair will take place on Thursday, Feb. 20, from noon to 4 p.m. in the Main Lounge of the Iowa Memorial Union. This event is open to all students and is a great opportunity to explore internships, co-ops, and full-time job opportunities. Whether you’re actively searching or just starting to network and learn about potential employers, this is a valuable chance to connect.
Resume Resources
Stop by the Student Development Center (3612 SC) for resume critiques and other career prep. Peer Advisors offer daily drop-in hours where you can get feedback on your resume and more.
Complimentary LinkedIn Photos
All students can have a professional headshot taken for free during the fair. You’ll receive a high-resolution digital copy right after your photo is taken.
Other Important Information:
No student pre-registration required. Check in at Hubbard Commons to print your name badge.
Business Casual or Business Professional attire is preferred. Stop by the Campus Clothing Closet at the IMU to pick out free professional attire.
Limited Parking: Due to the high number of employers, the IMU Ramp won’t be available. Please plan your parking ahead of time!