Professors Tianbao Yang and Padmini Srinivasan are the Principle Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator, respectively, for a grant recently awarded by the NSF.
The project, entitled "BIGDATA: F: New Algorithms of Online Machine Learning for Big Data," will focus on "developing innovative, theoretically rigorous algorithms to learn from continuously arriving (streaming) data." In addition to addressing specific challenges, including that of dealing with imbalanced data, "the project will [...] contribute to training future professionals in big data analytics," including participation in the UI's undergraduate summer research and high school student training programs.
Though the project is in its infancy, "the developed algorithms are being evaluated in real applications including biomedical semantic indexing, social media mining, and image annotation."
This three-year project has been awarded $712,401.
Unabridged award abstract may be found here.