Effective Fall of 2017, many CS course prerequisites have changed to include a minimum grade requirement of C- or better.
For Informatics students: In general, we now require a C- or better in CS:2110, CS:2520 (both effective Spring 2019), CS:2620, and MSCI:2300 wherever these appear as prerequisites.
For Computer Science students: In general, we now require a C- or better in CS:1210, CS:2210, CS:2230, CS:2630, and CS:3330 (or their Engineering equivalents for CS&E students) wherever these appear as prerequisites.
These minimum grade requirements are intended to reduce the number of students who complete their degree requirements with a major GPA that is too low to graduate. The new prerequisites should not affect the vast majority of CS and Informatics students who are in good standing. Realize, however, that those students who do not have, for example, a C- in CS:2230 will not be allowed to register for any CS course having CS:2230 as a prerequisite without first repeating CS:2230 and earning a grade of C- or better unless they are eligible for a special exception.
Because the new prerequisites will be enforced automatically by MAUI, there may be some CS or Informatics students who did not earn a sufficiently strong grade early in the curriculum, but who are nevertheless now approaching the end of their studies. It is not our intent to have these more senior students repeat the prerequisites if doing so would constitute a regression.
If you are prevented from registering for a course because of a grade prerequisite and if repeating the prerequisite course constitutes regression, you may ask for a prerequisite exception at registration. To request the exception, you should use the MyUI form link provided when your attempt to register is denied. Alternatively, go to the MyUI "Student Information" tab under the "Courses & Grades" heading and choose "Request Prerequisite Special Permission."
Note: exceptions will be granted only if repeating the prerequisite constitutes regression; requests for exceptions in other cases will be denied.