The following High School students participating in CS summer research presented their work at the 2019 Secondary Student Training Program at the University of Iowa poster session:
Samuel Berkun (advisor: Omar Chowdhury); Sashrika Pandey (advisor: Denise Szecsei); Kathy Zhong (advisor: Zubair Shafiq - Now UC Davis); and Xingtong Tony Yu (advisor: Padmini Srinivasan)
Three students advised by CS faculty received the three juried awards:
"Best Presentation" Pandey |
![]() Examining an Iterative Development of Reward Functions to Generate Autonomous Driving Models Using Reinforcement Learning |
"Best Peer Review" Yu |
![]() Learning From Profanity – Offensive Speech Detection via Transfer Learning
"Best Poster" Zhong |
![]() Large-scale CanaryTrap Implementation: Detecting Data Misuse by Facebook’s Third-party Apps
Each student, as well as John Theide, independently advised by Rishab Nithyanand, had presented their work on 7/25/19 at an SSTP Summer Research Showcase.
E-posters may be found here for Samuel Berkun; Sashrika Pandey; Tony Yu; and Kathy Zhong.
"Students in grades 10–11 may apply for the Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP), a 5-and-a-half-week residential summer research program at The University of Iowa’s Belin-Blank Center. Conduct research with world-class faculty at a research-intensive University. Participate in classes, evening tours, lectures, and events that will stretch you as a researcher and scholar. The program concludes with a poster competition and a research conference-style poster session."