Zeyuan Ru [Informatics MS | UI Technology Institute - Atmospheric and Environmental Research Lab] was awarded an Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) at its Fall 2021 meeting.
His paper - with co-authors advisor Jun Wang (UI), Lorena Castro Garcia (UI), Spencer Kuhl (UI - CS BS '04 | MCS '08 now Dir. of Operations, Protostudios), and Xin Qiao (AGU) - is entitled "A smart-and-connected low-cost sensor system for measuring air and soil properties in the Central U.S.: first results."
An OSPA is most prestigious award for a Earth Science grad student.
📣Bravo to Zeyuan Ru [Informatics MS | @IATechInstitute] @theAGU #OutstandingStudentPresentationAward winner for "A #smart➕#connected low-cost #SensorSystem for measuring air & soil properties in the Central US." OSPA is most prestigious award for a #EarthScience grad student❕ pic.twitter.com/hWzJJbowYY
— UIowa Computer Science (@UIowaCS) April 4, 2022