Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Congrats to all University of Iowa Dare to Discover '23 campaign rising stars! Special shout out to our own Computer Science students Flannery Currin (CS PhD) and Floyd Evans, Jr. ('22 CS BS | Microbiology BA; now Genetics PhD), as well as IGPI Informatics PhD scholars Han Bao , Bekir Demiray, and Rachel Shrode. [More about each outstanding student by clicking on their names; in addition to advisor/mentor quotes below.]

Dare to Discover 2023 - CS and Informatics student portraits : Computer Science students Flannery Currin (CS PhD) and Floyd Evans, Jr. (CS BS | Microbiology BA), as well as IGPI Informatics PhD ones Han Bao , Bekir Demiray, and Rachel Shrode.

Computer Science

“I am confident of Flannery’s ability to succeed in pursuing her research goals. She has a rare combination of talent, passion for her research topic, and an ability to execute her ideas. She is a student with outstanding potential who has all the characteristics needed to be a future leader in her research community.”

Juan Pablo Hourcade, associate professor, computer science

Floyd has been steadfast in his desire to obtain a PhD and become a scientist from the moment I met him. In Floyd’s words, ‘I have always seen myself as a scientist.’ I have no doubt that with his academic ability, intrinsic motivation and scientific curiosity, Floyd will make this desire a reality.

Lori Adams, director, Iowa Biosciences Academy


“Han has devoted herself to solving important societal problems using GeoAI and spatial data mining techniques. She has published over ten papers in total in her general research direction, where one of her co-authored papers received the Best Paper Award at the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), a prestigious and well-recognized international forum in data mining and knowledge discovery.”

Xun Zhou, associate professor, business analytics

“Mr. Demiray has shown great academic achievement and leadership in the University of Iowa community. His cyber tools and applications are in use with over tens of thousands of users in Iowa. These applications improved the daily workflow of many state agencies and support the public in making better informed decisions in flooding, mitigation, and accessing critical information.”

Ibrahim Demir, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering

“Rachel will be among the top 5% students among all the undergraduate and graduate students that I have trained/interacted with so far. Rachel is an outstanding science student as evident from several honors and awards highlighted in her CV, including a graduate college scholarship for her predoctoral work (offered only to the top students in the program).”

Ashutosh Mangalam, associate professor, pathology

More at "Downtown banners showcase 70 exceptional Hawkeyes,", @UIowaCS on twitter, and in below video teaser.