Professors Aaron Stump and Cesare Tinelli were recently awarded a new grant that "sustains and expands StarExec by providing additional hardware (computing clusters) and human resources at the University of Iowa to meet the growing demand for this infrastructure, as the use of logic solvers expands to new research areas and larger-scale problems. Part of the long-term, sustainability strategy is to create multiple instances of the StarExec software, starting with the University of Miami, which will serve as a demonstration and model for future expansion."
"StarExec is a web-accessed compute service that was developed (under a prior NSF grant) as a community resource/infrastructure to support researchers in the field of automatic theorem proving and other research areas that depend on logic-solving methods. Research groups in these areas cannot support their own infrastructure due to the high cost of the hardware and the high degree of specialized expertise needed to run and optimize large-scale solver executions. StarExec users can upload solvers and benchmarks to the system, configure and execute jobs to run selected solvers on selected benchmarks, and collaborate by sharing data and artifacts. The infrastructure was first developed to facilitate solver competitions and now supports a large number of users in many areas of research where logic solvers are used."
This three-year project has been awarded $552,195.