"As someone who is involved in compiling the nominations for these awards, it was a pleasure to read about the fine research conducted by the strong nominees from Computer Science. The awardees were chosen from a pool of such nominees from so many graduate programs. This is truly an honor."
- Prof. Kasturi Varadarajan
Director of Graduate Studies — CS
“We are very pleased with Sulyun Lee obtaining a Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship. Sulyun has not only made steady and timely progress in her PhD research, but also has amplified other research on campus through her role as a consultant at the Iowa Social Science Research Center.”
- Prof. Juan Pablo Hourcade
Director of Graduate Studies — IGPI
About the Spring 2022 Fellows
PhD candidates Sulyun Lee (Informatics | Information Science - 5th year) and Lakshmi Devi Subramanian (Computer Science - 6th year) were awarded a Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship.
Fellow CS doctorate students Anthony Cantor (5th year) and Hankyu Jang (4th year) have received Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowships for Spring 2022.
"The Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship will allow me to focus on my dissertation on understanding and predicting how individuals’ collaboration experience can be connected to future team performance."
- Sulyun Lee
Advisor: Kang Zhao (Business Analytics)
"I am very excited for being selected to receive this fellowship in Spring 2022. I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. Joseph Kearney who supervises Hank Virtual Environments Laboratory which has best 3D immersive pedestrian and bicyclist simulators. My dissertation is to understand the perception and behavior of pedestrians and bicyclists towards Autonomous Vehicles (AV) in particular their response to AV’s warning and intent communication using immersive virtual environment. Through this fellowship, I will have protected time for a semester to complete my dissertation works and publish them in journals and conferences. I sincerely thank the CS department and my advisor for nominating me and also thank the graduate college for awarding this fellowship."
- Lakshmi Devi Subramanian
Advisor: Joseph K. Kearney
"It is an honor to become a recipient of the Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship for Spring 2022. Studying at the CS department has been exciting, enriching, and amazing so far, and I'm looking forward to starting to work on my dissertation. Since starting my studies here I have been working with professor Aaron Stump to develop a novel system of logic that has unique properties, and we hope that this research will become useful for the field of programming languages. This fellowship will allow me to spend much more time working on this research, and also give me more time to work on communicating our results to journals and conferences. Thank you to my advisor and the CS department for nominating me, and also thank you to the graduate college for their generous support!"
- Anthony Cantor
Advisor: Aaron Stump
"The post-comp fellowship will allow me to continue to focus on my research on computational modeling and inference problems on healthcare-associated infections."
- Hankyu Jang
Advisors: Sriram Pemmaraju, Alberto Segre
About the Fellowships
Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship
This fellowship program provides an opportunity for Ph.D. students to benefit from a final semester of protected and supported time to focus on completing their scholarly research activities and the writing of their dissertations.
Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship
This fellowship program provides an opportunity for advanced Ph.D. students to benefit from protected and supported time to pursue their scholarly research activities. The fellowship is intended to recognize students with distinguished academic achievement during their early graduate training. These achievements should be evident from a combination of outstanding academic performance in coursework, as well as early scholarly research activities. Students who have held teaching assistantships in the previous two semesters will have priority.