Juan Pablo Hourcade, Associate Professor at The University of Iowa's Department of Computer Science and Director of Graduate Studies for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Informatics, was recently appointed as one of ACM’s Distinguished Speakers.
We congratulate Dr. Hourcade on his joining a "truly international mix of computing educators, researchers and practitioners, and hail from every corner of the globe."
We suggest interested parties check "Request a Speaker" on Distinguished Speakers Program (DSP) for Hourcade's forthcoming profile and his lecture abstract/topic description.
In addition to his teaching, research (mainly HCI-related), and service at Iowa, Dr. Hourcade is the author of Child-Computer Interaction, the first comprehensive book on the topic, and has held various leadership roles in his research community (e.g., Papers Co-Chair for CHI 2016 and CHI 2017). He is in the Editorial Board of Interacting with Computers and the International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. He has also written about his perspectives on technology in blogs for interactions magazine.