Computer Science Graduate Student Association
The description of structure, rules, and processes of the association may be found in our constitution. The team's primary goal is to improve computer science students' academic, social, and professional lives. To do so, we intend to focus on the following:
- Social Activities: organize social events to help students in making friends in their program and form networks of mutual support.
- Professional Development: provide students with networking and professional skill development opportunities to facilitate career success.
- Academic Opportunities: present adequate resources and opportunities to help them embed themselves in the world of academic computer science and share their work with their peers.
- Grad and Department Liaison: assist students in studies and advocate for their interests at a departmental, faculty, and university level.
What will you be a part of?
We are in the process of getting started, some events we are focusing on is as follows:
- CV/Resume Development and Internship/Job Preparation
- Graduate Student Research Hackathon
- Mentorship program for new graduate students to be aligned with more senior graduate students
- Organize student colloquium talks that span from Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Formal Methods, and much more!
In the future, we want to have some Movie Nights, Games Nights, Bonfires, and less "formal" socials!
When you should reach out to us:
- Interested in helping plan and collaborate in any of the above programs
- See issues within the department you would like to address or better understand