"As Iowa surges toward the presidential caucuses, University of Iowa computer science professors M. Zubair Shafiq and Padmini Srinivasan and political science professor G.R. Boynton have launched a political news aggregator, leftrightpolitics.com, to track public sentiment during the election season. [...]
Shafiq, Boynton, and Srinivasan received gap funding through the UI Ventures program in the Office of the Vice President of Research and Economic Development for this project last semester. The funding helped them turn their algorithms into a commercial venture and enabled them to hire web developers to create the website featuring a real-time service that can be viewed by anyone. [...] As an academic, I’d never launched a company,' Shafiq says. 'They helped us go from an academic mindset to a business mindset and helped us think of unique ways to commercialize these technologies.' [...]
The website has a Facebook page, Twitter account, and a blog at medium.com/@LeftRightPolitics, where G.R. Boynton, UI professor of political science, will comment on interesting trends as the election season progresses."
More about LeftRightPolitics.com is at IowaNow (1/25/16), UI Ventures, and KCRG-TV9 (1/30/16).