Articles from October 2021

Cantor, Jang, Lee, and Subramanian awarded Competitive Spring '22 Fellowships

Monday, October 25, 2021
PhD candidates Sulyun Lee and Lakshmi Devi Subramanian were awarded a Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship. Fellow CS doctorate students Anthony Cantor and Hankyu Jang have received Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowships for Spring 2022.

Faculty Positions, Fall 2022

The University of Iowa Computer Science Department invites applications for multiple tenure-track Assistant Professor positions effective August 2022.

CS Chair and WiCS on "UI neuroscientist empowers women to code"

Postdoctoral neuroscientist Victoria Muller Ewald is starting a coding boot camp to encourage more students to learn the skill. She also mentors graduate students and has been involved in various coding initiatives.