Articles from October 2024

Douglas W. Jones; Associate Professor; University of Iowa

Jones in "Voting machines were invented to prevent fraud in hand counts of ballots"

Douglas W. Jones, UIowaCS Emeritus Faculty, has co-authored a book about the history of voting machines, “Broken Ballots: Will Your Vote Count?” His expertise is "Voting technology, how we came to vote using technology, voting system acquisition and evaluation."
Aerial shot of U of Iowa Pentacrest, centered on historic Old Capitol building - and home to U of Iowa Computer Science - with text "We're hiring!" in a speech bubble.

Faculty Positions, Fall 2025

The University of Iowa Computer Science Department invites applications for applications for multiple tenure- and instructional-track positions effective August 2025.
Shaeffer Hall - home UIowa CLAS Deans

Chipara, Nithyanand et al. in "CLAS sets new grant funding record with another significant year in research funding"

CLAS faculty across various disciplines brought in substantial grants of $1 million or more, including: $1.2 million NSF grant to further hearing aid research, Octav Chipara, Department of Computer Science; $1.7 million U.S. DoD grant to study social media and national security, Brian Ekdale, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, and Rishab Nithyanand, Department of Computer Science
Sayan Bandyapadhyay portrait, from

Sayan Bandyapadhyay (PhD '19) Alumnus Q&A

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Sayan Bandyapadhyay graduated with a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Iowa in 2019. In this Q&A, Rahimian discusses his path to his current role of Assistant Professor at Portland State University, shares memories of his time at Iowa, and more!

PhD student Jamil Gafur reflects on his summer of conferences

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Over the course of the past few months, Jamil has traveled to several conferences. In this article, he shares more about his research and provides insight into his experience attending, presenting, and helping organize conferences.

Li's NSF grant to develop algorithms for improving the safety of autonomous vehicles

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Professor Guanpeng Li was recently awarded $600,000 from the National Science Foundation for a project titled "Collaborative Research: MELIOREM: An Integrated Evaluation Cyberinfrastructure towards Safe and Dependable Autonomous Driving Systems".
Zhu standing in front of the New York City skyline during sunset

CS Student Liao Zhu on his experience as an Amazon SURE Fellow at Columbia University

Friday, October 4, 2024
Zhu reflects on his summer in New York at Columbia University and provides insight into what he learned from his experience as an Amazon SURE Fellow.
NSF logo

UIowaCS to host NSF FMitF PI Meeting

Professors Kosaian, Morris, and Tinelli, with support from administrative staff, will be hosting an NSF "Formal Methods in the Field" PI Meeting Nov. 12 & 13. Tinelli is a past Principal Investigator (PI) within that program.