Articles from July 2024

HawCHI Lab Awarded Best Paper Award & Social Impact Honorable Mention at IDC '24

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Professor Juan Pablo Hourcade and co-authors/student advisees Flannery Currin - who recently defended her doctoral thesis, Summer Schmuecker and Delaney Norris recently published “Understanding Adult Stakeholder Perspectives on the Ethics of Extended Reality Technologies with a Focus on Young Children and Children in Rural Areas”. This paper was awarded the Best Full Paper Award and Social Impact Honorable Mention at IDC '24 - the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference.
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UIowaCS faculty in "Research funding to UI increases, topping $680M"

"The NSF’s support of UI research projects increased 56% for a record high of $18 million, including a new $1.2 million project to advance the personalization of hearing aids. The lead investigator on the project is Octav Chipara, a professor in the Department of Computer Science." Rishab Nithyanand work with School of Journalism and Mass Communication's Brian Ekdale on a $1.7 million DOD project also gets an accolade.