
Advanced virtual-reality tech helps UI scientists study pedestrian behavior

"Joseph Kearney, a computer-science professor in the lab, said dramatic advancements in the last decade for several technologies have allowed the field to reach its current state.

UIowaCS student and Robot Theater in "NPR: Gifted Students With Autism Find An Intellectual Oasis In Iowa"

"And people with autism who interact with Belin-Blank say Assouline works hard to ensure that they feel included and understood. One of those people is Martika Theis.

Ames Tribune: Segre Advisee & Baseball-Reference Founder Sean Forman

He’d spend his nights and weekends enshrouded with baseball statistics and working for various outlets, using stats to predict how well a baseball prospect might play the following year. "...

CS Major Aldair Matias Garcia on Esports at the University of Iowa

"Esports is all about the competitiveness of the game instead of the game itself. It’s the thrill of competing and climbing the ranks of the game you are playing.

Daily Iowan - New research on Reddit creates methods to cut off hateful rhetoric at source

"UI researchers Hussam Habib, Maaz Bin Musa, and Rishab Nithyanand, have collaborated with Fareed Zaffar of the Lahore University of Management Sciences to develop a proactive-moderation strategy."...

Rector: "ACM XRDS: Computing technologies to increase access to physical activity for people with visual impairments"

Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Understanding how to develop technologies that make exercise more accessible to people with visual impairments, particularly in the form of body-based movement and public spaces.

Nithyanand et al. @ Why Reddit Is Losing Its Battle with Online Hate

New [UIowa | LMU] research shows how the message board keeps giving bigotry a home.