Marking the retirement of Prof. Hantao Zhang
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Prof. Hantao Zhang retired from the Computer Science Department on January 1, 2022.
Please join us in wishing him a happy, healthy, and prosperous retirement.
Adhikari receives Jumpstart Tomorrow Award...
Friday, May 20, 2022
... for a project entitled "Health Disparities and Machine Learning Community Feasibility" that proposes to develop equitable surveillance algorithms to get an accurate picture of large-scale epidemics. Specifically, team seeks to allocate surveillance kits (or tests) over time under budget constraints with the goals of obtaining an accurate picture of the spread while ensuring (i) Regional Equity and (ii) Demographic Fairness.

Iowa Alumna [UICC '22 speaker] and Microsoft Innovator Offers a Window to Tomorrow
Monday, May 16, 2022
Kelsey Huebner discusses the future of the internet, metaverse, and AI.
"Huebner went on to earn UI degrees in art and informatics while minoring in computer science. She also took advantage of career networking opportunities at Iowa and an internship in which her research helped children with autism improve their communication skills using multi-touch software developed by associate professor of computer science Juan Pablo Hourcade."

9 UI students, recent alumni awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Friday, May 13, 2022
Anvay Pradhan of West Des Moines, Iowa, will graduate from Iowa in May with degrees in mechanical engineering and computer science. His research experiences have ranged from tribology to space physics instrumentation to industrial robotics.

Daily Iowan - UI Senior Ben Stone creates software to aid student Iowa literacy programs
Friday, May 6, 2022
University of Iowa fourth-year student Ben Stone designs applications that help the Iowa Reading Research Center collect data to evaluate the success of K-12 classroom interventions. [...] Stone is the lead computer programmer at the center, a role not usually held by undergraduates. He created an application that collects data to evaluate interventions meant to improve literacy in K-12 Iowa classrooms.

Brandon Myers 2021-22 Collegiate Teaching Award Recipient
Monday, May 2, 2022
“I’ve learned that Brandon is extremely thoughtful about how he explains things: he is aware of the listener’s context, and will think carefully not only about what the right or best answer actually is, but how to best communicate it given what the listener is likely to know,” Alberto Maria Segre, Chair of Computer Science, said. “Brandon is an exceptional teacher, a nationally established leader in student-oriented learning within our discipline, and a gifted student mentor.”
Lorch and Mohamed Receive Academic Excellence in the Masters Program Awards
Friday, April 29, 2022
Robert Lorch and Abdal Mohamed, both due to graduate this May 2022, was chosen to receive an award for “Academic Excellence in the Masters Program” for 2021-22. This honor recognizes academic prowess, the variety and difficulty of courses taken along the way, as well as instructor feedback.

IowaNow: UI student’s computer science skills aid Iowa literacy efforts
Thursday, April 14, 2022
"As a University of Iowa computer science and percussion performance double major, Ben Stone finds joy in creating things—whether it’s a musical performance or a piece of software.
The fourth-year student and Des Moines, Iowa, native has put his programming and leadership skills to good use working at the Iowa Reading Research Center (IRRC), which helps improve literacy skills for thousands of Iowa children each year. [...]
Stone’s success in the role led to him being named UI’s Student Employee of the Year for 2022."
'02 CS Alumnus Opinion Piece entitled "A life in computers"
Monday, April 11, 2022
"I didn’t think I wanted to write software. Well, one semester and one week into my freshman year, I walked out of a computer science lecture (required for actuaries) knowing in my soul that I was in the wrong major. I went to my advisor, changed to computer science and never looked back.
Twenty years later, I’m very lucky that I get to exercise my passion at my job with people who share the same love for computers and software that I do."
Tran Hung (PhD '12) feat. in "Overseas Vietnamese in US Strive for Success"
Friday, April 8, 2022
"Tran Viet Hung was a doctoral student at the Vietnam Education Fund (VEF) majoring in Computer Science, University of Iowa.[...] From the second year, he took extra lessons to start a business.Got It! is an educational application on the phone built by Hung since 2011 on a question-and-answer platform aimed at education, specifically high school students and university students."